Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014


Number      : 509/SH/II/2014                                                         March 09, 2014
Subyect      : Invitation Recruitment

Kp. Buniwangi 001/010
Ds. Rawabogo Kec. Ciwidey

Dear Nurmala,

          Thank you for your dated March 04, 2014 about on job application we alredy acceptance the nice. After we read your cover letter then we invite you to come to our office.

          We intend to invite your dor job interview anf we will provide job in position office administrator. We hope you come in :
Day, date   :
Time           :
Place           :
We hope you come be on time and use dras code uniform black and white.

          In the meantime we would very much appreciate to hearing from you again.

                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

  Riki Firmansyah, SH
     Human Resources Manager

Cc      : Archives
Encl   : -

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